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Friday, June 17, 2011


Louise Hay
I stand on my own two feet.  I accept and use my own power.
I chose to come to this planet, and I am delighted to be here.
I am a Divine, magnificent expression of life.
I am at peace.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Be aware of using exercise to run away from your feelings or as a way to decrease stress.  It is much better to deal with the source of the stress than to use exercise as a fix.

Doreen Virtue
When we are willing to consult Divine guidance about everything, we are freed to let go and enjoy living.

Marianne Williamson
A friend will see us at our worst, as well as at our best.  A friend will not close his or her heart when we have made a mistake.  A friend will not condemn us but will compassionately support our return to a state of grace.

Loretta LaRoche
If you love someone more than you love yourself, then you can almost guarantee that this person now has a slave.  Just remember that the slaves were freed; you might want to do the same for yourself.

You are an extension of that which is Nonphysical. You are the leading edge, more specifically focused, eyes of that which is Nonphysical. The current you're using as the Energy that you are creating with is the Nonphysical. We are all in this together. You are the more specific eyes of the Nonphysical Energy.

Seemingly magical things will begin to occur as soon as you achieve that wonderful feeling of financial abundance:  The money you are currently earning will seem to go further, Unexpected amounts of money in various incriments will begin to show up I your experience.

The Secret
To magnetize the things for a happier life, you have to become a happiness magnet.  Happiness attracts happiness.  To be a magnet of happiness requires feeling happy, thinking happy thoughts, and acting with happiness towards others.  To intensely fill yourself with happiness, do everything you can to give happiness to others.

"The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself."— Deepak Chopra, M.D.
"If I have seen further than other men it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Know that your thoughts which emerge as interests, excitement, inner thrills, and illuminating sensations are indications that you have the necessary ability to merge with your magnificent creativity.

When you’re inspired, you’re totally engaged in the now.  In a never-beginning and never-ending Universe, there is no past.

Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering, who appeal to your sense of connection to intention, who see the greatness in you, who feel connected to God, and who live a life that gives evidence that Sprit has found celebration through them.

Nothing Out There Is Impossible
Sometimes there are things you can encounter on your spiritual path that may surprise and puzzle you. About a year ago I started to notice that bright circles of light, “orbs,” were showing up in the photos people took of me at speaking events. (For a prominent scientist’s view of the fascinating phenomenon of orbs, check out the work of Klaus and Gundi Heinemann in their book, Orbs: Their Mission and Message of Hope.)
Some of the photos people showed me contained gigantic orbs; others had as many as 20 of these light circles clustered around me on stage. Another photo surfaced of a woman at our Australia event. She had a serious weight problem. I had put my arms around her and was looking into her face, telling her about how she was going to change. The photo showed a huge orb hovering over us. From my talk in Vancouver last spring came photos of me and my daughter Skye with beautiful orbs around us that almost looked like they had faces. At another event in Calgary, orbs appeared in a photo of a girl on stage who had been healed of facial paralysis.
The appearance of these orbs is only one of a number of “things intriguing and bizarre” coming into my experience. The final chapter in my upcoming book Wishes Fulfilled (scheduled to release early next year) is about opening yourself up to all possibilities and realizing that there’s nothing out there that’s impossible. The New Testament says that, with God, all things are possible—that leaves nothing out.
So why are these orbs showing up now? It feels like it has something to do with the message of God-consciousness and the God-realized life that is becoming a stronger focus in my work. God is within all of us; we are all pieces of God, not bodies but spirit. When confronted with miraculous things, a friend advised me to “stop being surprised and just accept them.” But I need to be surprised. The surprise fuels my message. I know you will be surprised by some of the things I write and speak about. You may be experiencing some startling and seemingly miraculous events of your own. Be at peace with surprise. The challenge of a healthy skepticism gives strength to faith and wisdom. -Dr. Wayne Dyer

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