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Thursday, March 1, 2012

White Rabbits, White Rabbits, White Rabbits!
Happy March Everyone!

Louise Hay
As I look outside, I see many new buds on the trees and blades of grass showing the promise of spring.  When I am still and look inside, I feel the stirring of new ambition.   This is the beginning of a positive turning point for me.  I envision myself as extremely successful and at peace with my life.  I am grateful and happy.

I allow my body, mind, and emotions to relax today.

The Secret
The creation process is so easy, and if you are finding it difficult it is simply because you do not believe.  Remember, you have to believe it to see it!  And that can be tricky if most of your life you have only believed things when you have seen them.  There is some retraining for you to do with your mind.  You have to believe in the unseen, and that belief is THE channel through which the unseen moves into the seen.