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Thursday, July 28, 2011


July 28th, 2011
Louise Hay
I take brisk walks in the sunshine to invigorate my body and soul.
This is a wonderful day.  I choose to make it so.
Today I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good.
I have faith in the unlimited, loving power of the Universe.
I create new memories filled with peace, goodwill, and compassion for others.
I work for enjoyment and satisfaction – not just to earn a living.  I use my mind and thoughts to enhance my life.
Loving myself gives me the energy to work through any problem quickly.  My live is a labor of love.

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad." - Denis Waitley
"When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy." - Samuel Goldwyn
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." -Helen Keller
"What really distinguishes this generation in all countries from earlier generations - is its determination to act, its joy in action, the assurance of being able to change things by one's own efforts." - Hannah Arendt
"What you can do or dream you can do, begin it;
boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

— Johann von Goethe
"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm,
you will be fired with enthusiasm."

— Vince Lombardi

The beginner scorns criticism.
The wise soul carefully weighs it.
And the Master says, "But, of course!"
    The Universe

The Secret

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings
If you want to attract a better job or anything better than what you currently have, it is important to understand how the law of attraction works.
You know that to bring in something better you must imagine what that better thing looks like in your mind, and then live in that picture as though it is here now. But you should also know that if you complain about your current job, for example, and continue to focus on all the negative things, you will never bring the better job to you. You must look for the things to be grateful for in your current job. Each thing you find to be grateful for is helping to bring that better job to you. That is really working the law!

A New Message From VERONICA

You Are Valuable
     "Often in the physical the value of the incarnation is dismissed by the linear person involved.  It is imperative to understand that you as an energy having a human life is valuable to the soul.

     The physical is not a smooth environment.  It is easy to become over involved with the dramas, forgetting the relationship with one's own soul.  Poor choices, difficult times, and inadequate participation can contribute to the low esteem that many have for their current incarnation.

     Realize that no matter what the circumstance your soul will seek the value of the experience.  Of course it is better to be clear but even the most distorted difficult experience creates opportunity for the soul to evolve.

     The most dire events can create the most growth.  Your soul appreciates and values those moments no matter what they are.

     We encourage you to accept this appreciation, thus creating a healthy ebb and flow of energy.

     You are valuable to your soul.  Each day that you participate in the linear presents a new opportunity for its growth.

     Attempt to find the clarity to think through each day.  Create the ebb and flow energy that will make the journey more comfortable.

     Know your worth.

     Your soul does."


Thursday, July 21, 2011


Louise Hay
My life grows by leaps and bounds, and I am grateful!
Knowing that friends and lovers were once strangers to me, I welcome new people into my life.
My heart forgives and releases.  Inner peace is my goal.
I am always the perfect age for wherever I am in my life.
My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.
I rejoice in what I have, and I meet all challenges with open arms.
I monitor my self-talk, making sure that it is uplifting and supportive of myself and others.
I take brisk walks in the sunshine to invigorate my body and soul.
I can release the past and forgive everyone.
I breathe in the fullness and richness of life.
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Giving birth is a time of great opportunity for women to get in touch with their true power.  We need to emerge from our labor beds with a renewed sense of strength and awareness that our bodies have just participated in a magnificent act of creation.
Women with good friends live the longest.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
You’re not what you have and you’re not what you do; you’re an infinite, divine being disguised as a successful person who has accumulated a certain amount of stuff.  The stuff is not you.  For that reason, you must avoid being attached to it in any way.

Be thankful for the wonderful gift of being able to serve humanity, your planet, and your God.  Be grateful for the opportunity to live your life purposefully in tune with the will of the Source of All.  That’s a lot to be grateful for.

Doreen Virtue
Simply cast your cares unto us, and let us cart them away as a janitor would carry away your garbage.
God and the angels don’t just work miracles to pull us out of messes.  They help us with everyday, ordinary situations as well.
Marianne Williamson
Negative emotions have a place in intimacy.  They need to be released in order to be detoxed.  Having negative emotions doesn’t make us bad.  Thinking that they do is what keeps so many people from exposing their emotions.  It is when our feelings—all our feelings—are revealed appropriately and then forgiven that we have a chance to heal.
We are all here to serve each other, and the choice to do that is no less valid when the people we serve are those in our own family.
Loretta LaRoche
Don’t forget the power of touch.  Our skin covers our entire body.  Make sure you or someone else explores as much territory as possible.  We, as a culture, suffer from skin hunger, so feed your skin just as much as you feed your tummy.
When you’re driving your car, instead of getting upset about traffic, play a language tape or an audio book and spend the time learning.  Your car can be a university on wheels instead of a hell on wheels.
"It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him." - Abraham Lincoln
"There is something called post-traumatic growth. You don't have to have post-traumatic stress. You can have growth come out of extreme stress." -Anthony Robbins
"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results." - Sandra Gallagher
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."
— Roger Crawford
"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves." - Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
"Most people spend their lives looking but not truly seeing." - Joe Navarro
"Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are." - Unknown
"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working."
— Pablo Picasso

The Secret
Is this a thought that you hold?
"I have no money to give, but when I have money then I will give." If it is, you will never have money. The fastest way to attract anything is to give it to another, so if it is money you want to attract, then give it. You can give $10 or $5 or $1. It doesn't matter what the amount is, just give it. It doesn't matter how much and it doesn't matter where you give it, just give!

Abraham Hicks
You are all perfect and expanding; you are all adored and worthy; you are all here having your exposure to experiences and doing the best that you can from where you are. You have not been sent here in a test or trial; you're here as creators as part of an expanding Universe. You can't have it both ways. You can't have, at the root of that which you are, Well-Being, and then have that same root of Well-Being have the capacity to pronounce you evil. It is vibrationally impossible. That judging, vengeful God is manufactured from humans' place of deepest despair.

You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Louise Hay
I am willing to let go.
I am willing to forgive.
I am in total harmony with my environment: the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, and the earth.
I am compassionate and understanding.  I forgive and forget.
I follow my inner star.  I am a shining example of love and light.
Peace begins with me.  The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.
I am unlimited in my wealth.  All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling.
I am constantly moving forward in the direction of my goals.
I express my emotions in joyous, positive ways.
My life reflects good, and only good is reflected back at me.
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Become a conscious vessel for the life force that is always flowing through you.
Our bodies are designed to function best when we’re doing work that feels exactly right to us.  All we have to do is look to our gifts and talents.  Health is enhanced in women who engage in work or activities that are deeply satisfying.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
It’s imperative to eliminate self-perceptions that might cloud your vision or make you question your divine magnificence.
Go within to the peaceful solitude of your mind.  It is there that you will discover God.
Persistently viewing others as dishonest, lazy, sinful, and ignorant can be a way of compensating for something you fear.  If there’s a pattern of seeing others as failures, you need to notice this pattern as evidence of what you’re attracting into your life.
Doreen Virtue
Be vigilant for peace in all ways, and stand for peacefulness in all of your doings.
An answered prayer does not always mean that your “wishes” come true, but it does mean that attention is given to you and the situation without delay.
Marianne Williamson
Fear is an illusion.  Love casts out sin or fear the way light casts out darkness.  The shift from fear to love is a miracle.
In asking for miracles, we are seeking a practical goal: a return to inner peace.  We’re not asking for something outside us to change, but for something inside us to change.
Loretta LaRoche
Whenever you start to catastrophize about something, you can see that you’re becoming the finale of your own Shakesperean play?  If you want to play Hamlet or King Lear, then you should audition for the part and get paid.  Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time.
If you have a cold or the flu, stay home and take care of yourself.  You don’t need to share it with your co-workers.  That’s called selfish.
The most important thing to remember is that you are the attractor of your experience, and that you are attracting it by virtue of the thoughts that you are offering.  Thoughts are magnetic, and as you think a thought, it will attract another and another and another, until eventually you will have a physical manifestation of the vibrational essence of whatever has been the subject of your thoughts.
The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract... You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.

It is very difficult to understand what anybody else's experience is. There aren't enough words to really understand what anybody else is living. Physical beings want things to be the same. They want people to think the same. You work rather hard at sameness, but you will never win that battle because, from Nonphysical, diversity is known to be the most beneficial part of the game.
"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion." - Ethiopian Proverb
"If what you did yesterday seems big,
you haven't done anything today."
— Lou Holtz

"The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have." - Leonard Nimoy
"People fail forward to success." - Mary Kay Ash
"The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment." - William Arthur Ward
"You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and
build your wings on the way down."
— Ray Bradbury

The secret
Criticism can be very subtle in the way it creeps into our thoughts. Here are some examples of criticism to help you become aware of its subtlety, so you can eliminate it from your thoughts:
The weather is awful today.
The traffic is terrible.
The service is really bad.
Oh no, look at the line.
He/she is always late.
How long do we have to wait for our order?
That motorist is a lunatic.
It's so hot in here.
I've been on hold for so long!
These are subtle things, but the law of attraction is listening to them all. You have the ability to appreciate something in every single circumstance. There is always something to be grateful for.

Every good thought you think, every good word you speak, every good emotion you feel, and every act of kindness you perform, is lifting the frequency of your being to new heights.  And as you begin to raise your frequency, a new life and a new world will reveal themselves to you.  You will emit positive forces of energy across planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. 
You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.

A New Message From VERONICA

     "This day is the representation of your "now".  To spend this moment lamenting the past and worrying about the future does not allow you to participate in the creative abilities of your soul energy.

     To create the perfect now it is important as we've said to go inward to the soul to find clarity.  It is also an important part of the linear experience to go outward as well.  It can be achieved with more forcefulness in conjunction with the inward journey.

     The ebb and flow of energy which is a vital part of all creation can exist between the inward and the outward.  For some it can be the ultimate experience.

     To achieve the outward one must participate fully in the physical condition.  Attempt to create and recreate your linear reality with integrity and colorfulness.  For the moment, maintain your present.  Compliment it with the inward journey while remembering to create a reality outwardly.

     The two ideas are separate.

     Physical reality was meant to be an expression of your soul.  Learn the lessons yes, however, appreciate it for whatever it is.  It is your opportunity to be totally present in your "now"."


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Louise Hay
This month, I celebrate my own independence.  I choose to be free of all negativity, anger, fear, insecurities, jealousies – and any thought that makes me feel “less than.”  I no longer choose to live in the prison of my mind.  I choose thoughts of love, joy, prosperity, and unlimited creativity and opportunities.  What I focus on is exactly what I attract.  Joy brings joy.

No matter how I travel –by car, boat, plane, or otherwise- I am protected and safe.

Today is the future I created yesterday.

I am proud that I can easily adapt to the ebb and flow of my life.

I am totally free to choose thoughts of joy.

I am doing the best I can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness I have.

I am safe wherever I turn.

The Secret
You cannot use the law of attraction against someone else’s free will.  If you think about this deeply, and in particular in regards to love relationships, you can only come to one conclusion: thank goodness the law operates this way.  If it did not, then somebody else could decide you are the love of their life, and use the law on you.  They cannot do that, and neither can you.
What is the most powerful thing you can add to the process of creating what you want? Ask for others as you ask for yourself. An easy way to do this is to ask for ALL, which of course includes you. Ask for a good life for all, peace for all, abundance for all, health for all, love for all, and happiness for all.
When you ask for others, it comes back to you, so the law has it ALL covered.

See the Process of Pivoting as a gradual shifting of your point of attraction, and enjoy the positive results that must follow.  It is not possible for you to consistently give your attention to what you do want and receive it. – for the Law of Attraction guarantees that whatever you are predominantly focused upon will flow into your experience.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
You are all that you need to be inspired and living on purpose, and the things that continue to flow into your life are just symbols of the unlimited abundance of your Source.

By choosing to hang on to your corner of freedom in even the worst situations, you can process your world with the energy of appreciation and beauty, and create an opportunity to transcend your circumstances.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
The birth of a baby is the completion of the act of sexual communion, conception, and gestation.  With the birth of a baby, the circle is complete.  A new being comes into the world who contains the essence of both parents plus her own soul vibration.

Doreen Virtue
Angel’s affirmation for you:  “My heart and mind are now filled with joy.  I am a mighty reflection of God’s happiness.”

Marianne Williamson
In every relationship, in every moment, we teach either love or fear.  “To teach is to demonstrate.” As we demonstrate love towards others, we learn that we are lovable, and we learn how to love more deeply.

Loretta LaRoche
Whenever you’re eating something you love, make sure you moan with delight.  It enhances the flavors and allows your body to feel like a king at a feast.  Just remember to make your feasting diminutive verses colossal.  Otherwise you may end up looking like Henry VIII.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."— Peter F. Drucker
"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it." - Debbi Fields
"The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity." - Ruby Dee
A New Message From VERONICA

Each Soul Chooses Its Path
     "In times of difficulty many embark upon a pilgrimage to find an easement to their suffering.  Depending upon the belief system, the true path to that relief is wrought with different steps.  The end result, however, is always a reconnection to their spiritual cores.

     One would suppose that more advanced souls would not have a problem with that, however, the path to evolution can become more complicated in that advancement.

     All souls regardless of status seek the clarity of a quirt threshold to create their reality eloquently.  It is important to quiet the noise of the linear while seeking the ability to create it.  A true reality for those who are indeed participating in the linear.

     Create if you will a moment daily where the calmness of your thoughts supersede all others.  Physical realities are filled with activity and drama.  Each soul chooses its path through that noise of participation.  Stepping away from the noise is essential for clear creativity.  If you are embedded in complicated drama, decide to step away until a moment of clarity is attained.

     The soul is supreme in its ability to navigate the path to your evolution.  Allow it a quiet moment to do its job.  The soul desperately moves towards advancement.  In a moment of silence, allow it to do so.

     If the soul is not distracted it will lead you to ultimate advancement.

     Simply silence the noise.

     The soul will do the rest.

     Allow it.

     It is possible."
