Louise Hay
I have respect for my body and for my emotions. I make choices that honor me.
Love makes my world go ‘round. My love goes out to touch others and returns to me multiplied.
I keep my mind active and alive by exploring new frontiers. Learning keeps me mentally strong.
My circumstances at home improve every day. I love and respect every member of my household.
I have compassion for my parent’s childhoods. They were always doing the best they could considering where they came from and how they were raised.
I love myself, as I know I am doing the best I can.
I have friends I can talk to. I feel safe with them. We share confidences.
Just like the bright summer sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence.
This month I bless everyone in my life, and everyone in my life blesses me. What I put out returns to me multiplied. I pay people compliments. I offer gratitude and appreciation. I lend support and encouragement. Basically, I give all the things I want to receive.
I am healthy, happy, and whole as I am right now.
I open my heart to love, and I am safe.
I open my arms wide to receive the full measure of prosperity that the universe offers.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you; it’s the God within you. I’ts the invisible connecting link to manifesting your own destiny.
Every thought that you have impacts you. By shifting from a thought that weakens to one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibration and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field.
Doreen Virtue
You only need to be clear about what you want, pray for guidance, then motivate yourself to take the necessary steps that you will be guided to.
There are no limits on what your angels can do in your life. They are very, very powerful beings.
Marianne Williamson
It’s never really a circumstance that needs to change – it’s we who need to change. The prayer isn’t for God to change our lives, but rather for Him to change us.
The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best that is within us. It is only through your own personal awakening that the world can be awakened. We cannot give what we don’t have.
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Women should savor and celebrate pregnancy, the gestating of the next generation, as the miracle that it is: a crucial time in their child’s development. The tenor of the pregnancy itself contributes to the strength of a child’s constitution throughout the rest of his or her life.
Total well-being at menopause and beyond depends on having adequate levels of hormones. Ovarian estrogen and progesterone levels decrease after menopause. Other body sites, however, are capable of making these same hormones, depending upon a woman’s lifestyle and diet. The female body has the capacity to make healthy adjustments in hormonal balance.
Loretta LaRoche
Try to spend some time every day being amused by the world around you. There’s more than enough suffering to be aware of, but nothing can refresh your spirits more than a good laugh. It’s like a cool glass of lemonade on a hot day.
Surround yourself with inquisitive, curious, intelligent, loving, kind, and funny people. (Yes, you can find them!) They’ll keep your mood upbeat and your life focused on “generativity” versus stagnation.
Every religion on the planet, and there are so many more than you are even aware of, has the potential of absolute thriving. But when you think that you must prove that you have the only one that is right—and you use your condemnation to push against the others—your condemnation separates you from your own Connection that, before your condemnation, you were finding in your own religion.
Abraham is not a singular consciousness as you feel that you are in your singular bodies. Abraham is collective consciousness. There is a stream or river of consciousness. As one of you asks a question, there are many, many points of consciousness that are funneling through what feels to be one perspective, (because there is, in this case, one human, Esther, who is interpreting or articulating it) so it appears singular to you. We are multidimensional and multi-faceted and, certainly, multi-consciousness.
"I don't want to be left behind. In fact, I want to be here before the action starts." - Kerry Packer"Next in importance to having a good aim is to recognize when to pull the trigger." - David Letterman
"You've got to love what you do to really make things happen." - Philip Green
"You've got to seize the opportunity if it is presented to you." - Clive Davis
When you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion. You know it absolutely, without any doubt. –The Secret
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." — Albert Einstein
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