Louise Hay
My life grows by leaps and bounds, and I am grateful!
Knowing that friends and lovers were once strangers to me, I welcome new people into my life.
My heart forgives and releases. Inner peace is my goal.
I am always the perfect age for wherever I am in my life.
My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.
I rejoice in what I have, and I meet all challenges with open arms.
I monitor my self-talk, making sure that it is uplifting and supportive of myself and others.
I take brisk walks in the sunshine to invigorate my body and soul.
I can release the past and forgive everyone.
I breathe in the fullness and richness of life.
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Giving birth is a time of great opportunity for women to get in touch with their true power. We need to emerge from our labor beds with a renewed sense of strength and awareness that our bodies have just participated in a magnificent act of creation.
Women with good friends live the longest.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
You’re not what you have and you’re not what you do; you’re an infinite, divine being disguised as a successful person who has accumulated a certain amount of stuff. The stuff is not you. For that reason, you must avoid being attached to it in any way.
Be thankful for the wonderful gift of being able to serve humanity, your planet, and your God. Be grateful for the opportunity to live your life purposefully in tune with the will of the Source of All. That’s a lot to be grateful for.
Doreen Virtue
Simply cast your cares unto us, and let us cart them away as a janitor would carry away your garbage.
God and the angels don’t just work miracles to pull us out of messes. They help us with everyday, ordinary situations as well.
Marianne Williamson
Negative emotions have a place in intimacy. They need to be released in order to be detoxed. Having negative emotions doesn’t make us bad. Thinking that they do is what keeps so many people from exposing their emotions. It is when our feelings—all our feelings—are revealed appropriately and then forgiven that we have a chance to heal.
We are all here to serve each other, and the choice to do that is no less valid when the people we serve are those in our own family.
Loretta LaRoche
Don’t forget the power of touch. Our skin covers our entire body. Make sure you or someone else explores as much territory as possible. We, as a culture, suffer from skin hunger, so feed your skin just as much as you feed your tummy.
When you’re driving your car, instead of getting upset about traffic, play a language tape or an audio book and spend the time learning. Your car can be a university on wheels instead of a hell on wheels.
"It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels he is worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him." - Abraham Lincoln
"There is something called post-traumatic growth. You don't have to have post-traumatic stress. You can have growth come out of extreme stress." -Anthony Robbins
"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results." - Sandra Gallagher
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."
— Roger Crawford
"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves." - Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt— Roger Crawford
"Most people spend their lives looking but not truly seeing." - Joe Navarro
"Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are." - Unknown
"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working."
— Pablo Picasso
— Pablo Picasso
The Secret
Is this a thought that you hold?
"I have no money to give, but when I have money then I will give." If it is, you will never have money. The fastest way to attract anything is to give it to another, so if it is money you want to attract, then give it. You can give $10 or $5 or $1. It doesn't matter what the amount is, just give it. It doesn't matter how much and it doesn't matter where you give it, just give!
Abraham Hicks
You are all perfect and expanding; you are all adored and worthy; you are all here having your exposure to experiences and doing the best that you can from where you are. You have not been sent here in a test or trial; you're here as creators as part of an expanding Universe. You can't have it both ways. You can't have, at the root of that which you are, Well-Being, and then have that same root of Well-Being have the capacity to pronounce you evil. It is vibrationally impossible. That judging, vengeful God is manufactured from humans' place of deepest despair.
You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them.
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