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Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011


Louise Hay
I am Bright and smart and I can learn anything!
I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.
I am willing to see how and where I need to change.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Chronological age is how old you are on your birthday.  Biological age is how old your body is physiologically.  After about 35, these two “ages” may have little in common.  It’s possible to be “35” when your chronological age is 60!

If you have a headache every Monday morning when it’s time to go to work, perhaps you’re driving the wrong car, taking the wrong route, or are in the wrong profession.  Take time to figure out the message.

Doreen Virtue
Know that your loved ones are being taken care of, whether they are in the physical plane or among us in the spirit world.

Be not afraid of your own greatness, but allow us to mirror it for you during our communications.

Marianne Williamson
Build community.  Nurture those less fortunate.  Become yourself.  Seek God.  No less potent steps than these will be deep enough to move you forward.

Spiritual growth is like childbirth.  You dilate, then you contract.  You dilate, then you contract again.  As painful as it all feels, it’s the necessary rhythm for reaching the ultimate goal of total openness.

Loretta LaRoche
Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in believing that being rail thin is a worthy goal in life.  The models and celebrities who look that way make it their life’s work:  They have trainers, cooks, and housekeepers at their bidding.  But all of that aside, looking like a broom with legs isn’t that appealing.

We spend so much time judging ourselves and others.  What would happen if we allowed ourselves to just accept the fact that none of us is perfect?

Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling.  For if you should choose a thought that is not in harmony with the way that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it, you will feel the discord; and then you can easily redirect your thought to something that feels better and, therefore, serves you better.

Every time you want something and achieve vibrational harmony with it and allow it to come to you, you not only gain the satisfaction of having accomplished your desire – you also gain a while new perspective from which to desire.

You have to feel good about great abundance before you will allow the pleasure of great abundance to flow into your experience.
Ask and It Is Given
How to attract all you need—simply by asking
By Esther and Jerry Hicks
A Magical Creation Box that delivers!
Do you want to give the Universe more specific information about the things that you desire most to attract them into your life? Then it’s time to create the Magical Creation Box.
To begin the Magical Creation Box process, find a nice-looking box, one that is pleasing to you when you see it. On the lid, in a conspicuous place that you will easily notice, write the words: Whatever is contained in this box—IS!
Next, gather magazines, catalogs, and brochures, and leisurely look through them for whatever you would like to include in your experience. Then clip out pictures of anything that exemplifies any desires that you hold: pictures of furniture, clothing, landscaping, buildings, travel destinations, vehicles; images of physical characteristics; photos of people interacting with one another . . . if it feels appealing to you in any way, clip it, and drop it into your Creation Box. And say, as you drop it in, “Whatever is contained in this box—IS!”
When you are away from your box, continue to gather more pictures, and then drop them in when you return home. If you witness something you would like to experience, write a description of it, and drop that into your box. The more things you find for your box, the more the Universe will deliver to you other ideas that match them. And the more ideas you drop into your box, the more your desire will be focused. And the more your desire is focused, the more alive you will feel—for this Energy flowing through you is what life is.
If you have little or no resistance—in other words, if you have no doubt that you can achieve these things, the experience will feel invigorating to you. The more you clip, the better you will feel, and you will begin to see evidence of these things moving closer and closer into your experience. Doors will begin to open to make it possible for many of these things to easily come in right now.
If you are usually a good-feeling person who has not established strong habits of feeling unhappy about not having the things you have put into your box, you will experience the immediate positive result of feeling more focused and more excited about life, and the things you have put into your Creation Box will begin to manifest in your experience right away. In other words, for someone who has not been practicing thoughts of resistance, this process will be all that you will ever need to create a wonderful life: You ask; Source answers; you let it in. You ask, and it is given.
If you are enjoying this process, it is serving you in a powerful way; it is helping you focus upon the things you desire; you are practicing the attainment of a consistent vibration that matches your desires; and you are experiencing Deliberate Creation. And, most important, your good-feeling emotion is telling you that you are in the receiving mode right now. Your attention to this process is helping you maintain the vibrational frequency that is required for you to allow what you are asking for into your experience—you are practicing the Art of Allowing.
You could play this game as a mental game only, but it is so much more fun if you actually get a box and drop in things that represent your desires. You will begin to notice that when you put something in your Creation Box that does not have a pattern of resistance, the Universe will bring it to you right away. The things you drop into the box where you do have patterns of resistance will take more time in coming.
As you deliberately put things into your Creation Box, you will be more aware of when you are thinking about something that you would not want to experience. Your relationship with this Creation Box will help you recognize the power your thoughts hold.
We want you to feel the fun and joy of the process. Often, when you get something that you have been wanting, your feeling of elation is very short-lived, but this game will give you the opportunity to savor the things that you desire longer. And then, the thrill of the manifestation, even though short, will be all the sweeter.
Once you begin this process, you will just be knocked over by the effectiveness and efficiency of the enormous Non-Physical staff that responds to your vibrational requests. When you ask, it is given, and as you play with this Creation Box, you will learn to let it in.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Let go of the idea that you’re a body that’s destined to die, and instead seek an awareness of your immortal self.  Affirm:  “I am eternal, and that means that I showed up here from the infinitude of spiritual intention to fulfill a destiny that I must act on.”

When you stop needing more of everything, more of what you desire seems to arrive in your life.  Since you’re detached from the need for it, you find it easier to pass it along to others, because you realize how little you need in order to be satisfied and at peace.

When you think about others before yourself and offer the love you feel for all of life – first in your thoughts and then in your actions – that’s how you make a connection to inspiration.
The Enlightened Parent
Who’s in charge here?
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Doing the Tao of leadership.
The great leader speaks little.
He never speaks carelessly.
He works without self-interest
And leaves no trace.
When all is finished, the people say,
“We did it ourselves.”

The lesson in this 17th verse of the Tao Te Ching asks us to change how we see authority—which means viewing great or enlightened leaders as those who don’t actually lead anyone! Through the perspective of the Tao, such individuals create an environment where everyone feels that they have a personal responsibility to, and are a part of, the process. By adopting this model of an enlightened leader, you’ll be more than likely to alter the ways you criticize and admire captains of industry, government, or religion, as well as the way you guide others.
The advice in this 17th verse is directed toward leaders of all kinds; in fact, you can personalize it by substituting the words parent or teacher for leader. Examine the ways you view your own tactics, and then make the changes that are necessary in order to be someone who makes an enlightening difference in the lives of others. First, you must stay in the background and become an astute observer of what’s taking place; then ask yourself how, without interfering, you can create an environment that will help everyone act responsibly.
The Tao advises making yourself as invisible as possible if you truly wish to be an effective leader. Thus, perhaps your best strategy would be to actually leave the room and allow everyone else to act without feeling that they need to impress you. Maybe you should offer a slight suggestion and then an immediate departure. A knowing smile or gesture that conveys to the group that you trust in its ability to figure things out might work best. Possibly what’s needed is for you tell a quick story of how others have resolved similar issues. Or you could simply meditate and send positive conflict-resolving energy to all the individuals present.
Whatever your decision, you’ll be well aware of the need to create an environment where everyone will be able to say, “We fixed it ourselves without the need for any interference from anyone—we really don’t need a supervisor.” This approach, of course, involves suspending your desire to be seen as a strong authority figure.
Truly inspiring leaders get results by their own example: They encourage others to be responsible and do the right thing, but not by proclaiming and bragging about their unimpeachable management. They create space for others to be inspired and to achieve their own greatness. When the time comes for receiving accolades, they dissolve in the background, wanting everyone else to feel that their accomplishments arose from their own leadership qualities. The supreme Taoist leader always leaves people to choose and pursue their own way of life, their own conception of the good. The view of a self-styled authoritarian is not the way enlightened leaders see themselves; rather, they raise the energy of an environment through a viewpoint that elevates lower inclinations.
The Tao offers three other ways of choosing to be a leader. One option is to make a difference in the lives of others, resolving conflicts through love. By being an instrument of love and making an effort to praise others, this leader stays in harmony with the Tao. Those who are praised are inclined to become self-loving and act in a cooperative rather than competitive fashion. The drawback is that using the approval and affection of a leader for motivation means turning control of one’s life over to that leader. But if you see that the choice is between love or fear, the Tao always sees love as superior.
The ineffectiveness of fear as a leadership style is obvious: If I can get you to do as I desire by using that weapon, then you’ll only behave in these ways as long as I have the power to threaten you. When I leave, my influence over you departs as well. Studies have measured the effectiveness of teachers who were considered strict disciplinarians. Students in this setting were well behaved when the feared individual was in the room, yet when he or she departed, the classroom turned chaotic.
The opposite was true of instructors who viewed education as an opportunity to praise and encourage students: Their presence or absence from the room had almost no noticeable impact. This is a great thing to keep in mind if you’re a mother or father. That is, do you want your children to behave only when you’re around, or do you want them to have the self-discipline to conduct themselves wisely whether you’re there or not? I’ve always believed that parents are not for leaning upon, but rather exist to make leaning unnecessary.
The least effective means for managing others is to use tactics that will encourage them to despise you, for the moment they leave your sight, they’ll defy all that you say and stand for. Dictators almost always find this out the hard way, when the people they’ve abused rise up to threaten them in the same intolerable fashion in which they’ve been treated. Children who despise a parent similarly tend to emulate the hateful tactics to which they were subjected, or they detach themselves completely from that dictatorial adult and spend years attempting to heal the scars from the terrible treatment.
The enlightened leader trusts those whom he or she is in a position to govern. This view results in trust, as he or she who has faith in the people will be trusted by them in turn. Consequently, they’ll be able to say, “We did it ourselves.” So raise your children to be self-sufficient, to make their own decisions as soon as they’re able, and to feel pride in the decisions they do make. See yourself as an enlightened leader, and show the world a new type of leadership. Children who grow up with such a view will be the next generation of great leaders that Lao-tzu describes.
The SecretWhatever you resist will persist, which means that whatever you passionately don’t want, you are inviting to you.  Put the power of your passionate emotions into what you do want, and bring those things to you.
Focus is creating.  Focus with emotion is powerful creating.


"Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind." - Eric Hoffer

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