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Monday, February 20, 2012

February 2012

"Time's fun when you're having Flies" -Kermit the Frog

Ok, so it's been way way too long since my last MotoVations Blog, so here's one for the books, enjoy!


Louise Hay
Everything I touch is a success.
This is a new day, and a new opportunity to acknowldedge and accept myself as I am.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
If you want to find your true purpose in life, know this for certain:  your purpose will only be found in service to others, and being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego.

Gregg Braden
A miracle that's possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

Doreen Virtue
Giving from a place of abundance, where you know that you have much to give, brings joy to all.

Marianne Williamson
We must invite the light into us and restore the bridges, opening the gates by which it might entor our lives.  Spiritual practice is the opening of the gates, now all but locked against God's love.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
We've all been told that hard work and discipline are the keys to a successful and healthy life.  This is only part of the truth.  Being willing to recieve the best of what life has to offer is also a crucial skill.

Robert Holden, PH.D.
Be open to letting God work through you more, even if you don't know what that means.  Ask God for help, and be willing to receive.

Loretta LaRoche
Millions of people spend weeks and sometimes months viewing celebrity murder trials.  What good can it possibly come out of doing this for days at a time?  Wouldn't we be better off watching stories that inspire us, those revolving around people who have accomplished something magnificent?

Here is a link to Dr. Wayne Dyer's blog, this one especially reached out to me today.

Don't let any place that you are standing frighten you. All it is, is a byproduct of some Energy alignment, which only gives you stronger clarity about what you want — and, most importantly, greater sensitivity about whether you're in a receiving mode or locked off of it.
--- Abraham