Louise Hay:October
I have the power to change my life for the better, and I am doing so no. I love all of the good mental habits I am learning, and I watch my life respond to my positive thoughts. If I had know how easy this would be, I would have started this process years ago. I am in awe of the power of my own thoughts to heal my body and my life.
As the leaves fall and the days shorten, I marvel at the beauty that surrounds me.
I am part of the Universe:
Learn from every experience, it’s ok to make mistakes.
It is easy to grow and change in the atmosphere of love.
There is ample time and space for everything I want to do today.
I release the need to criticize or judge.
It is natural that I am healthy. It is my birthright to feel good.
You can’t go around being what everyone wants you to be, living your life through other people’s rules, and still expect to be happy and have inner peace.
Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that you have an uplifting effect on those you come into contact with. Your presence will make others feel calm and assured.
Iyanla Vanzant:How can you let people know that you love them? Are you willing to share your love today? GO to the nearest mirror and practice on yourself! Say “I love you” 101 times!
Dr. Darren R. Weissman:Appreciation acknowledges the value of the road I have traveled. It recognizes the courage and commitment it takes to create lasting change.
Doreen Virtue:Simply call upon us and we will guide you without hesitation, interference, or control, and always with love surrounding our motivations.
In God’s eyes, you and your siblings are the most beautiful beings in the universe.
Marianne Williamson:You ask yourself, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Dr. Christiane Northrup:It is the meaning surrounding an event or procedure that gives it its charge and potential to harm or heal – not necessarily the procedure itself.
The years surrounding menopause encompass the gradual change in ovarian function and constitute an entire stage of a woman’s life, lasting from 6 to 13 years. These years are a gateway to true wisdom.
Loretta LaRoche:The flowers in your garden can help you imagine that the wisdom behind their creation had to indeed be something that knows what we humans would find joyous and beautiful.
Try writing a note instead of buying a “greeting card.” You know the other person; the card company doesn’t.
Robert Holden, PH.D.:TO help you be more present in your life today, stop what you are doing once an hour and ask yourself, “Where are my feet?”
Live now, procrastinate later.
"You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people
get what they want."
— Zig Ziglar
"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action"
Benjamin Disraeli
"A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships"
Helen Keller
Those that we see who are living long lives don't do so without powerful intent that keeps drawing. In other words, what continues the motion forward itself is the continuing setting forth of the new intent that draws life through. In fact, intending for long life assures that you must be leading the parade; people don't start diminishing their life until they stop leading and start falling back into the ranks of the parade, trying to do what others are leading them to do.
--- Abraham
Your Daily Affirmations for the
first week of October, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Today, I am opening my consciousness to a realization of the living Christ, the eternal Sonship of the everlasting Father. I know that He dwells in me and I know that there is an invisible Guide, a living Presence with me at all times. With complete simplicity and directness, I recognize my Divine center. Consciously, I unify myself with this pure Spirit in which I live, move, and have my being. I am strong with the strength of the all-vitalizing Power of pure Spirit. I am sustained by Divine Energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality. Every atom of my being responds to this Divine Presence. I completely surrender myself to It.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Because my whole being is the Life of God in me, I have nothing to fear. Everyone I meet is part of the same Wholeness in which I live.
Every person I meet is a center of the great unity of Life. It is this center of Life that I meet in all persons. It is this unity in and through all to which I respond. I cannot wish anyone harm, nor does anyone desire to harm me. Through my consciousness of love, which is the very essence of goodness, I transform my apparent imperfection into the perfect idea of true being. I am knowing people as God knows them. I am seeing everything as God must see it. His Law is written in my mind and felt in my heart. I see God everywhere.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Nothing enters into my experience but joy, integrity, and friendship. I refuse to hold grudges. All the good I would realize for myself I realize for others as well; I do not deny myself the good I affirm for others. I forgive as I want to be forgiven. I know that in the household in which I live, the host is God, the living Spirit almighty; the guests are all people; the invitation has been eternally written for all to enter and dwell therein in peace and harmony, as the guests of the Eternal Host forever.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I refuse to contemplate evil as a power. I know that it will flee from me; it dissolves and disappears in the light of love. I know that hate cannot exist where love is recognized. I turn the searchlight of Truth upon every apparent evil in my experience. This light dissolves every image of evil. The manifestation of good is complete. Love makes the way clear before me. I am guided into an ever-widening experience of living. My every thought and act is an expression of the goodness which flows from Life.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I know that my search is over. I am consciously aware of the Presence of the Spirit. I have discovered the great Reality. I am awake to the realization of this Presence. There is but one Life. Today, I see It reflected in every form, back of every countenance, moving through every act. Knowing that the Divine Presence is in everyone I meet, the Spirit in all people, I salute the good in everyone. I recognize the God-Life responding to me from every person I meet, in every event that transpires, in every circumstance in my experience. I feel the warmth and color of this Divine Presence forevermore pressing against me, forevermore welling up from within me—the wellspring of Eternal Being present yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Knowing that the loving Presence is always closer to me than my very breath, I have nothing to fear. I feel this loving protection around me. I know that the song of joy, of love, and of peace is forever chanting its hymn of praise and beauty at the center of my being; therefore, I tune out of my mind all unhappy and negative ideas. I turn the dial of my thought to the sunshine of life, to brightness and laughter, to the joyous Presence of radiant Spirit. I lay aside all anxiety, all striving, and let the law of Divine Love operate through me into my affairs. Joyfully, I anticipate greater abundance, more success, and a deeper peace. Joy wells up within my mind and Life sings Its song of ecstasy in my heart.
Friday, October 7, 2011
I know that the Law of God surrounds me with love and friendship.
I let It radiate in my environment, bless everything I touch, make whole that which is weak, turn fear into faith, and accomplish the miracle of healing through love. I welcome the opportunity to love fully, completely, and joyfully. I believe in myself because I believe in God. I accept life fully, completely, without reservation, holding to the conviction that good is the eternal Reality, that God is the everlasting Presence, that Christ within me is the eternal Guide, that my life is complete today.