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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Louise HayI love stretching my mind, thinking of the highest good imaginable.
I love my body.
All is well in my world, and even better things are coming.
I am dancing with joy.  My optimism is contagious.
This is a great day to create, imagine, produce, and visualize.
There is so much within me that wants to express itself.  I let it flow.
Today I can do anything I put my mind to.
What a great adventure my life is!
I am putting my hands over my heart and expressing love for myself.  I am embracing my inner child, too.
I recognize and acknowledge that in this world, we are all interconnected.
Self-love helps me make positive changes easily.
Each day is a new opportunity.  I choose to make this day a great one.
I have a harmonious relationship with everyone in my family.
I feel reborn.  I am free of the past, and I joyously welcome the new.
I forgive myself and love who I am right now.

          If you’re experiencing scarcity, anguish, depression, and an absence of love – or any inability to attract what you desire – seriously look at how you’ve been drawing these circumstances into your life.

          Each experience in your life was absolutely necessary in order to take you to the next place, and the next, up until this very moment.

Hay HouseMy Talents are in demand, and my unique gifts are appreciated by those around me. –Louise Hay
Abundance flows into my life in surprising and miraculous ways every day. –Cheryl Richardson

Doreen VirtueIf you need more faith or belief, ask God and the angels to help you and you’ll feel the shift very soon.
Begin sharing with your partner the contents of your heart:  Your dreams and desires.

Marianne WilliamsonChanges in life are always going to happen; they’re part of the human experience.  What we can change, however, is how we perceive them.  And that shift in our perception is a miracle.
Whether we love, or close our hearts to love, is a mental choice we make, every moment of every day.
Dr. Christian NorthrupWhen pregnant women make wise choices, they shape the future health of both themselves and their offspring.
It takes far more courage to focus on the positive than on the negative.  We have been conditioned by our culture and the mainstream media to focus on what could go wrong instead of what is working well.  What we focus on expands.  So have the courage to remain positive whenever possible.

Loretta LaRocheMy mother always said, “You never know” as a kind of catchall anxiety producer.  Whenever there was something she wanted us to do, it was because if we didn’t, “You never know.”  I still don’t know what I’m supposed to know, but that’s ok because I’m finally not afraid to find out.

Become playful instead of grumpy when you’re waiting in line.  It makes life so much easier, and everyone profits from being surrounded by lighthearted energy.  Ask the clerk to “Check you out” along with your bundles. She may give you double coupons.
"All change happens in a moment that we decide it must! It may take you a while to decide but when you do, your live changes instantly." - Nick Bogatin
Whatever the financial situation you are currently in, it is one that you have brought into reality through your thoughts. If it is not what you want, then you have created it unconsciously, but still you created it. When you can see this you will understand how powerful you are at creating. And now all you have to do is create what you want, consciously!
"Be changed and the world around you begins to change." - Dr. Gerald Epstein
"When you are in the zone, your intuition comes to the forefront, ... Your intuition will guide you. It is your best friend. It has information your mind does not have. When you are a zone performer — no matter what it is you do — you are operating on intuition and you have an unfair advantage over the competition."-Jim Fannin
"In spite of your fear, do what you have to do." - Chin-Ning Chu

"Setbacks and stressors are bridges to be crossed to our goals... not barricades to keep us from them."— Stephen Pierce
"I like to build things, I like to do things. I am having a lot of fun." - Walter Chrysler

"How do humans treat one another under the stress of a changing world? Do we fight and compete? Or, do we cooperate and work together as a family in this world to get through these changes? This is the question we are asking ourselves today."— Gregg Braden
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Be fully aware. Be engaged. Remind yourself
to live in the present moment, The Zone."
"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time." - Henry Ford

The Secret:
Here is a checklist to make sure you have your receiving channels open:
Do you receive compliments well? Do you receive unexpected gifts easily? Do you accept help when it is offered? Do you accept your meal being paid for by a friend?
These are little things, but they will help you know if you are open to receiving. Remember, the Universe is moving through everyone and every circumstance to give to you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"Remember, success is not measured by heights attained but by obstacles overcome. We're going to pass through many obstacles in our lives: good days, bad days. But the successful person will overcome those obstacles and constantly move forward."
-- Bruce Jenner
"You are the masterpiece of your own life;
you are the Michelangelo of your experience. The David that you are sculpting is you.
And you do it with your thoughts."
— Dr. Joe Vitale
"Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent."
-- Marilyn vos Savant
"You can't reset the winds.
But you can adjust your sails!"
— German Proverb
True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer's influence)

What "moving thought forward" is, is about being a nucleus that attracts different components of thought so that when they actualize around you — it is different than it has ever been before! "As I stand in my focused, human, leading-edge experience, and I choose this combination of thoughts and feelings, I am offering a signal that has never been offered before. And so, the Universe must uniquely yield to me, which causes me to offer a vibration that maybe someone somewhere else is matching. If they are, they will certainly come into my experience for the time that we are matching it." That is the way you affect the world. Most think in terms of thought affecting the world: You think about transmitting outward: "I'm going to affect the world from my outgoing signal." That isn't the way it works. You affect the world by achieving the vibration that brings the signals to you. You create a nucleus that Universe has to respond around. That is how you are the creator.

Never are you more clear about what you do want than when experiencing what you do not want.  And so, if you will stop and say, “Something is important here, otherwise I would not be feeling this negative emotion;  I need to focus on what I want,” and then turn your attention to what you do want… in that moment of turning your attention, the negative emotion and the negative attraction will stop – and the positive attraction will begin – and the positive attraction will begin-and your feelings will change from not feeling good to feeling good.  That is the Process of Pivoting.

The Secret
You can put positive forces into motion ahead of you wherever you go, but you have to think ahead to do it.  Before you do anything, think ahead and see yourself at the completion of the action, happy, and it beign completed effortlessly.  Now you can move forward.
The positive forces are at your beck and call-but you have to beckon them into your life.

Louise Hay
I relax during these lazy days of summer.  I have faith in the perfect unfoldment of my life.
I am so pleased with where I am, and am proud of my accomplishments.
I have the perfect partner in life.
I have the perfect living space.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
We have to give our bodies credit for their innate wisdom.  We don’t need to know exactly why something is happening in order to respond to it.  Understanding comes after you have allowed yourself to experience what you’re feeling.  Healing is an organic process that happens in the body as well as in the emotions.  The intellect is the last part of us that gets the message.

Babies know what’s going on in the uterus.  They can hear, feel, and experience emotions long before they are born.  A positive inner communication between mother and child translates into a deeper trust in themselves that continues long after birth.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
When you remember to stay in-Spirit, you’ll realize that when one thing appears to be going wrong, you can see clearly that ten things are going right.

Once you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, you will automatically become a being who can create a miracle.

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.

Doreen Virtue
Only through casting your inevitable cares and worries to the true source of love, God, can a partnership remain on the highest plane possible.

Joy is all there is.  The rest is a preoccupation of the ego, unworthy of your holy mind.

Marianne Williamson
At the highest level of our being, we don’t do anything.  We are at rest when the power of God works through us.  Meditation is a profound relaxation.  The ego’s frantic voice, its vain imaginings, are burned away.

The spirit does not die when the body dies.  Physical death is like taking off a suit of clothes.

Loretta LaRoche
There’s nothing like enthusiasm.  It fills the air with bubbles of joy just like the ones we loved as children, streaming out of bottles filled with magical, soapy water.

Be grateful for “breakthroughs.”  They can help keep you free from breakdowns, burnouts, and all other types of ups and downs.

A New Message From VERONICA

Dismiss The Trivia
     "When one decides to embark upon a physical incarnation it is from a place of peace and clarity.  The denseness of the linear that unfolds often tends to confuse and depress souls that are seeking evolution.

     The younger souls complain, "This is  just too hard" , while the older souls lament "Why did I come here?"

     There is a great deal of pressure put upon those who strive to live a life void of difficulty.  It seems from every corner another debacle rears it head even before the previous one has resolved itself.  Most are weary of the fight.  Most begin to feel victim of an unfriendly universe.  The real tragedy is that most begin to doubt their own creative abilities due to what is around them.  The focus upon creating opportunity to evolve is compromised by the loss of confidence.

     When faced with all the diversity one must remain steadfast.  Remind yourself of what you are capable of by remaining focused on the goal.

     Stirring up your energy is often a good remedy.  By doing so one can often become reacquainted with a key ingredient within that was lost in the shuffle before.

     Do not let opinions of others deter you from success.  You all live in a culture that is full of opinions.  It does not mean they are factual or strong enough to affect your path.

     Remain focused.

     Dismiss the trivia.

     Be confident.  Make it your business to know yourself.  Acknowledge your abilities.

     No opinion can change who you are at a core level.

     You are capable."


Monday, August 8, 2011

Moto-Vations 8/8/11

Louise HayThis is a day of success for me.  I succeed in everything I do.
I love life!  I am so glad to be alive!
Today there is a new spring in my step.  My life is changing for the better.
Everything I need to know is brought to me in delightful ways.
I have plenty of time.
I have a special guardian angel.

Dr. Wayne DyerWhen a book literally falls into your lap or is sent to you by several different people – or even when you keep seeing the title and having it referred to by others over and over – you need to notice, stop your resistance, and surrender.

No one is capable of making you upset without your consent, so if you begin practicing the intention to be authentic and peaceful with everyone, you connect to peace itself – and gain the power to change the energy of your relationships with family and friends.

If you want to fid your true purpose in life, know this for certain:  Your purpose will only be found in service to others, and in being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego.

Dr. Christiane NorthrupCaring for yourself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.  This is a radical notion for many women who have been taught that self-sacrifice is synonymous with being a “good” woman.  Have the courage to care of yourself.  That’s where world peace begins-with you!
A large part of creating health-or anything else, including wealth-is learning how to accept praise, allowing yourself to feel success and completion physically.  If you don’t practice receiving in this way, you are motivated only by thoughts like “There is so much more to do.  I’ll never get it all done.”  This is a health risk.  Take praise, accomplishments, and achievements right into your heart regularly.
Doreen VirtueEach partnership comes to you for a specific reason and purpose.
Angelic voices are consistently loving and supportive, even when they warn us of impending dangers or wrong turns.
Marianne WilliamsonIt is not our arrogance but our humility that teaches us that who we are is good enough, and what we have to say is valid.  It is our own self-hatred that makes it difficult for us to consistently support and nurture other people, because supporting others amounts to supporting ourselves.
We know that life is always in process and always on its way to greater good.  We just can’t see that.  During those times, we rely on our spiritual radar to navigate for us.  We trust that there’s a happy ending.  By our faith, through our trust, we invoke its proof.
Loretta LaRocheKnow that if you allow others to be themselves, then you can stop focusing on trying to clone yourself.
Every day be grateful for what you’re capable of instead of what you can’t or didn’t do.  It will give you much more peace.
The SecretWhat are you thinking when you open your curtains in the morning and when you close them at night?  What are you thinking when you first put your shoes on and when you take them off at the end of the day?  Use the power of the Universe during these four everyday actions, and say with all of your heart:  “Thank you for the most incredible day!”
Abraham-HicksAs you are understanding that a feeling of negative energy is an indicator that you are not in harmony with your greater knowing, many of you have reached the point of saying, “I want to feel good more of the time.”  And we say that is a magnificent acknowledgment, because when you are saying, “I want to feel good,” what you are really saying is:  “I want to be in the place of positive attraction,” or “I want to be in a place where the thoughts that I’m thinking as I’m feeling good are in harmony with my greater awareness.”
Resistance is about believing that you are vulnerable or susceptible to something not wanted and holding a stance of protection — which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-being that would be there otherwise. There is nothing big enough to protect you from unwanted things, and there are no unwanted things big enough to get into your experience.
My Every Thought Is Attracting Its Vibrational Essence... Whether you are thinking about wanted things or unwanted things, you are still sending out a “request” to attract more things like the subject of your thought. And all things that happen to you - all people, things, experiences, situations that come to you - come in response to your Vibrational invitation.
Noticing how things are turning out for you is one very clear way of understanding which Vibrational requests you are emanating, because you always get the essence of what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not.
"Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.." - Sarah Caldwell
"Be mindful of how you approach time. Watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun rise." - Sophia Bedford-Pierce
"Continuous effort -- not strength or intelligence -- is the key to unlocking our potential." - Liane Cardes
"I think I began learning long ago that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others." - Booker T. Washington
"Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street."— Zig Ziglar

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Louise Hay
I love all of the animals in my life and give them the attention and affection they need.
I forgive myself.

Christiane Northrup
I now commit to living my dreams one day at a time.  Through this process, I heal myself, my family, my community, and our planet.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
As you awaken to your divine nature, you’ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.

Regardless of your current station in life, you have a spiritual contract to make joy your constant companion.

Doreen Virtue
No matter what the material or situational intention, approach them with the desire for joy.

Marianne Williamson
To appeal to God is to appeal to the action of universal love.  Love never fails to come when we call to it, but it will always seem to fail us when our bidding is self-centered.

Loretta LaRoche
Put on some music and dance with wild abandon.  It will free you to become more at ease with your body and all the wonderful movements it can make.

Nonphysical is not asking you to ascribe to some specific label or stand in specific corners or in specific synagogues or churches with specific words. You are beings who are blessed and who are deserving of Well-being, and you will find your Well-being in many different ways — and the labels simply do not matter.

When you think thoughts that are not in harmony with your greater knowing, the flow of Life Force – the Energy that comes from your inner being into your physical apparatus – is stifled or restricted.  The result is that you experience negative emotion, and if you would allow it to continue over a longer period of time, you would receive negative deterioration of your physical apparatus.  That is why we say tthat all illness is a result of the allowance of negative emotion.

The Secret
We are evolving human beings, and as we grow our frequency changes.  A relationship ending between two people is the result of the two people no longer being on the same frequency.  When frequencies of people no longer match, the law of attraction automatically responds by moving them apart.  Frequency change is growth, growth is life, and life is good.

"There are so many ways for you to become a self-made millionaire that it is almost impossible for you not to achieve this goal if you are really serious about it." - Brian Tracy

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8/3/11 Moto-Vations

Louise Hay
I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and its expression.
My happiness radiates to all those I come in contact with.
I give myself the green light to move forward, and joyously embrace the new.

August:  In these warm days of summer, I focus my attention on what I really want to accomplish by the end of this year.  I want to be healthier and happier, have more love in my life, and see an increase in my level of prosperity.  I acknowledge that I am bright, capable person who can create anything I wish by virtue of my will and intention.  I love who I am.

I view all experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.
I release any limitations based on old, negative thoughts.  I joyfully look forward to the future.
My life is a party to be experienced and shared with everyone I know.
I flow with an attitude of serendipity through all kinds of experiences.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Appreciate the fullness of your feminine intelligence, which comes not only through your intellect but also through your body’s cycles.  Your feelings and intuition are also part of your intelligence.

Time alone in a natural setting is often a catalyst to connect with your spirituality.  Find a tree, rock, or special place to wake up your senses.  Allow the power of nature to heal you.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that you have an uplifting effect on those you come into contact with.  Your presence will make others feel calm and assured.

Every thought that you have impacts you.  By shifting form a thought that weakens to one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibration and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field.

Doreen Virtue
Children don’t care whether they’re imagining their angel visions; they simply enjoy and accept them.  As a result, children easily see and hear their guardian angels.

Angels speak to each of us continuously, and we all have the equal potential to receive and understand their words.

Marianne Williamson
With every thought, we decided whether to give in to the tendency to place blame on others to be a vehicle for God’s love and forgiveness.  Either we clean up the anger, or the anger will overwhelm us.

The path of healing is the path of the pilgrim.  At a certain point, the seeker becomes a pilgrim.

Loretta LaRoche
Challenge your brain in new and creative ways.  It will help stop you from doing the same thing day after day like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

If you’re always trying to be right about everything you do and say, you’ll soon find that you have no one around you who’s interested in how right you are.

Every moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is. This is where the desire is radiating from you and is being allowed by you.

Have you heard the expression, "We're either growing or we're dying."? Well, what they're saying is, "You can't stand still." We are either giving our attention to where we're going or we're giving attention to where we've been or we're giving our attention to where we are, but in any case, wherever we're giving our attention is our vibration, and the Universe is matching it.

You will never reach the place where you will not need to be diligent about your choice of thought. Because you live in a world that is determined to show you every pocket of despair. So you must diligently choose. But it gets easier and easier and easier to do so. Right now, it may feel to you like those moments of Connection are the rare ones. There will be a time when those moments of Connection will feel so normal that it will shock you when you get into a place of disconnection.

We're not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You're all going to make your transition into Non-Physical. It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that "death" is a matter of closing one's eyes in this dimension and literally opening one's eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point.. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing.

"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse." - Anne-Sophie Swetchine

"All of our biggest challenges can be solved by spending 10 minutes having a conversation with ourselves or someone else. Just the thought of this conversation makes us nervous which is why we tend to avoid it. HAVE IT ANYWAY!" - Nick Bogatin

"If you don't see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner."— Zig Ziglar

"It's not knowing what to do, it's doing what you know." - Anthony Robbins

"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."— William James

"To impress is an ego game; to influence is a behavior game! Do you make evaluations and standing ovations, or do you make a difference?" - Mark Sanborn